Collection: Cause It's A Process!

Why healed-ish? Because healing is a process!

As much as we may wish for it, healing doesn't happen overnight. Healing is a process that takes time, patience, and support. That support can come from a therapist, a counselor, reading self-help books, or utilizing a variety of self-care and mental health awareness tools. 

Motivational Clothing, Gear and Accessories 

At healed-ish, we also know how important it is for you to support yourself on your self-care journey. That's why we created this design, a wearable self-care reminder, to celebrate the process and keep you motivated no matter how long you've been on your mental health journey. 

We want you to put on our self-care tees, tanks and hoodies and see a cheerleader, encouraging you to keep going, every time you look in the mirror. 

Grab our motivational apparel in your favorite style & color! It's a great way to remind yourself and others that healing and self-care are everyday activities! 

And while "healed" is the goal, even if you're taking Slow Steps on your mental health journey, we want to help you celebrate the process and start Working On Your Woosah!